Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Struck by Lightning: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

A Film Review of by Kathleen Estrella

With wrinkles adorning his small face, eyes nearly blind from cataracts, bones as weak as an eighty year old man with arthritis, and at only a few hours old, Benjamin Button is seemingly on the way to his deathbed. As any fool could see, Benjamin Button is a man who was born under unusual circumstances. However, it is not how he came to this earth that made Benjamin so unique, but the life he led. A life, more like a picaresque tale than anything else, told through the pages of a diary and in stylistic yet whimsical imagery. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button chronicles this wistful story of love, life and death through the binds of time.

The unusual, intriguing, and yet tender story of Benjamin Button begins at the end. A woman in her death bed tells the old story of a master clock maker, who when he lost his son in World War I, created a grand clock that told time backwards. Through this clock and everything that it resembled, a baby is born…under the most peculiar conditions. At the sight of this a baby, a father abandons him on the front steps of an old folk’s home, where he is taken under the care of Queenie (Taraji Henson). In this house Benjamin is at home, feeling as though he himself was an elderly man, even though he was still a child. As his tale continues Benjamin is thrust into a true life where he is met by a series of people who’ve both made an impact on him as well as change the course of his life. From minor characters that include a spirited and tattooed tugboat captain (Jared Harris) and a man struck by lightning seven times (Ted Manson), to those who’ve played a more major role in Benjamin’s life, every single one of these people provide their own pieces to learning life’s most important lessons.

Although the film idea of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button began in 1994, the story’s roots begin short story as far back to 1921, when F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote a short story about a man who aged backwards. The film adaptation, directed by David Fincher (Fight Club, Se7en, Zodiac) and starring some of the world’s biggest and brightest celebrities, reaches far beyond the original Fitzgerald short story. Undoubtedly Paramount Picture’s biggest release of the year, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’s is filled with exquisite yet haunting story telling accompanied by the heartwarming performance of Brad Pitt as the title character. The film’s makeup, which can turn Brad Pitt to appear 87 years old in one scene then 16 in the next, is awe-inspiring to say the least and brings new heights to the film industry.

Unlike many films in today’s spoiled generation, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button accomplishes to provide its audiences with a meaningful and wistful perspective on life and our time here on earth. As the film’s tagline suggests, “Life isn’t measured in minutes, but in moments,” words that truly capture the very essence and existence of the film. It is through the elegant yet simple moments of the movie, from the amazingly beautiful Daisy (Cate Blanchett) dancing in the moonlight to Benjamin overlooking the hills of India, which truly captivate and tug at the hearts of audiences. One of the most intriguing sections of the movie include the quirky yet fascinating scenes of a man being struck by lightning, reminding us all of the gift of being alive.

Well-crafted and beautifully executed, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is one of the best films of the year. However, the film itself didn’t keep me enthralled in my seat. The film’s constant haunting and almost depressing tone seemed a bit overbearing at times. In addition, the present day scenes in a New Orleans hospital don’t add enough to the film to be worth the extra 30 or so minutes that it is in the movie and feel a bit too cliché. However, these elements do not outweigh the beautiful cinematography and heart wrenching story of Benjamin nor do they take away from the effective story telling. The tale of Benjamin Button is one that breaks free from the binds of time and is worthy of the 166 minutes that it fills in our lives.

Words of Wisdom from Mr. Benjamin Button:

“For what it's worth, it's never too late, or in my case too early, to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit... start whenever you want... you can change or stay the same. There are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that stop you. I hope you feel things that you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life that you're proud of and if you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.”

Movie Stills:

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